Sunflowers & Cacti - Creative Conceptual Portraiture

Model: Irma Avila  |  Photographer: Madelinne Grey  |  MUA: Irma Avila

TJ Wolfe - Headshot Portraits in Austin, TX

TJ Wolfe is an author, political activist, member of the Human Rights Campaign and Equality Texas. She recently published Unwanted Heart and wanted some new headshots. TJ will tell you she's not good at taking photos, but the images below lead me to disagree. She has the warmest smile and a personality that shows through the images. It was truly a pleasure working with TJ - and a special shout out to Red Horn for letting us shoot in their space. Click to enlarge.

Lalo & Sarah - Lifestyle Portraits - Cute Dogs and Playing Games

I feel extremely fortunate to have meet Lalo & Sarah - they are some of the most down to earth, friendliest people I know. I went to their house to capture a typical night in for the two of them - playing games, making drinks, petting dogs (Chester and the appropriately named Texas). It's all you could want in a lifestyle portrait session. Click to enlarge.